
Healthy Weight Loss Tips for the New Year

Vowing to lose excess weight and get fit is the number one New Years resolution, but many people lose steam after the first 30 days. The trick to losing weight and getting healthy hinges on the way you approach the task. If you look at your resolution as a temporary change, you are more likely to put the weight back on when you end your diet. If you consider the changes as lifestyle choices, you are much more likely to succeed.

Start Slow

Changing your diet and adding more exercise into your daily routine can seem daunting. The trick is to make the changes slowly so that they become new healthy habits that you can live with for the rest of your life.


Plain water is the key to hydration. If you are not used to drinking plain water, try dinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up and one before bed. As you get used to the water, drink a glass before or after meals. Eventually, you’ll be able to drink water with your meals, and because you are more hydrated, you will be less tempted to drink sugary fruit juices and colas.


Everyone knows that getting up and moving burns calories, but did you know that each extra pound of muscle you add to your body burns an additional 6.5 calories every hour. By contrast, fat only burns 1.2 calories an hour. This means that if you lose 10 pounds of fat and add 10 pounds of muscle, you will burn an extra 55 calories every hour. Get started slowly, by walking around your block every evening or jogging a couple laps around your back yard.

Weight Loss Help at Windward Healthcare

Partner with us and reach your fitness goals. We offer weekly personal counseling sessions, exercise tips and prescription therapy that can help you reach your fitness goals this year. We can help you lose weight and stay motivated.

What are you doing to reach your weight loss and fitness goals this year?